Monday, January 9, 2017

Adams and Eves

Many blacks seem to believe
That black and whites were the Adams and Eves of racial sin.
Whites took the forbidden fruit and hung the strange fruit from the tree of life
And that fruit, strange, has bloomed today in fire and hatred that we thought was long gone.

But if I am being historically accurate,
It would appear that the Adams and Eves were the Whites and the Indians,
I mean, Native Americans
Don’t mean to discriminate like the whites did to the natives
The whites did to the natives
The whites did
The whites’ privilege

That’s what started it all right? The white privilege, thinking they can take what they want
Do what they what, entitled mutha-
Mary, of Jesus
The focus,

But we are all scattered and the target is blurred in the distance
And all we can see and focus on is what is right in front of us--
The Adams and the eves of racial sin,
The serpents of the media reeling us in like fish out of water,
We are flapping, gasping for breath
We are blaming each other
We are killing each other, man--
We are all Man
But who are the Adams and the Eves, who started it all, who do we blame?

I wanna get even more historically correct
And say the Adams and the Eves of racial sin, of discrimination, of hatred
Existed long before Americans could recreate a history
Similar to the histories of dynasties and kingdoms and empires centuries before.

I wanna get as historically accurate as I can, so that man can finally find the blame,
So that man can decide who to shoot, who to loot from, who to throw bricks at, who to call racist pigs--
Swine of the devil.

I’ll get historically accurate for our petty desire, our pathetic human desire.

How about the Egyptians and the Israelites?
The Israelites were slaves to those entitled mutha-
Mary, of Jesus
The focus.

This seems to be a pattern
For us to digress in worldly matters
But it’s just that easy to slip and fall and crack your head open on the concrete
Concrete bricks are being thrown and bashing heads of Negros and gringos!
Who are the Adams and the Eves of racial sin!?

As historically accurate as I can be, I’m sure it was the Egyptians and the Israelites,
But their skin was the same, right?
Brownish blackish, bluish bruises punched into the history of mankind
Ramses, Moses--
They aren’t to blame, they can’t be to blame
Because that would be blaming the black,
You know, the people oppressed
You know, the only ones allowed to feel unsettled and cause social unrest,
These entitled mutha-
Mary, of Jesus
the focus.

So it can’t be the blacks, it can’t be the whites, for some reason the other races are irrelevant
And hidden behind closed doors
Like the beatings, and the genocides, and the addiction, and the immorality that exists outside our borders.
I’m sure you fell asleep during that line my fellow American because it did not answer your burning question of who’s to blame.

I can get even more factual, and historically accurate 
to find the Adams and Eves of not only racial sin, but discrimination
I’m talking Cain and Abel, brothers ate at the same table, worked the same land, and shared the same blood
Cain killed Abel
For hatred, for jealousy, for pride
Pride is what yields these tragedies we find to be new for our time but have been happening ever since Adam and Eve.
The Adams and Eves to blame are Adam and Eve
But it does no good to blame because we all are the same
Prideful racist pigs entitled mutha-
Mary, of Jesus
the focus.

I see Jesus in this current outburst of human nature in Baltimore
I don’t see the battle between races
I see the battle between men
Prideful, resentful, hateful
Trying to get what’s due to them
What they deserve.
We deserve nothing!
We only deserve our sentence to be hung, like strange fruit on the tree that Christ bore for us!
The tree of life, now, the tree of life because we have new life in the death of Christ
And he should be the focus,
And we deserve nothing,
yet he gives us his love and acceptance
And looks not at our badges, our status, our skin color
Looks not at what we do or what has been done,
He just loves

And loves

And loves.

Sunday, January 8, 2017



Letter after letter
completes a word
after word
sentences, paragraphs,
page after page turns
and here we land on a chapter,
start of a new adventure.
My heart bleeds each word,
and I think of a time
when these pages will be written for me to read--
ingrained in my memory.

To go abroad, will be a blip in my lifetime,
or a change in the script
a lifetime movie--
not written by human hands,
but Divinity.
My heart bleeds each word,
Christ bled so each word in scripture would be fulfilled--
for me.
I can live out this truth daily
as His daughter and ponder
my story, recorded,
Knowing that my story has begun,
and ended
intertwined in His glory,
with a happily ever after
not even fairy tale stories could capture.

Page after page turns,
and I'm excited to say
that today,
a trip to Spain is a necessary blip,
A volta,
A change that God knows is good for me.
I trust Him, knowing that relationships
and joy
are to come--
and I'm at peace.

He keeps me.