Tuesday, April 9, 2013


The feeling overwhelming,
Stacking each decision ,
Suffocating me further
The pressure is suppressing my chest,
And my head is spinning uncontrollably,
As I figure which decision is the best.

Each thought ricochets off the inner walls of my mind,
Buzzing, rushing as though I'm pressed on time.
Which way is right?
Which way is not?
Can it be that my weakness has been caught?
My obstacle, yes, proves a challenge.
Even more so when I still don't know what it is.

There are many things to do and still more to come.
Taking each day at a time can be very loathsome
Especially when the future is around each corner
And expectations rise
And sloth-like tendencies tend to arouse demise.

Goals are set, many are fair
But the path to reach them are still unclear
Still I take one day
Maybe waste a few
And for what?
I don't want to bite more than I can chew,
Yet I still do.

What--do I want wealth and fame?
What--is all of life just a game?
What--can't it ever stay the same?
Like when my largest conflict was when i broke a Barbie,
Or when nap-time was required,
when the hardest decision was to decide if I was tired,
or what game to play on a Saturday.

Sigh. The complications of life.
Humanity adds the worry and the strife.
But I still have to carry, to push on forward,
And to endure scary and push aside the coward.

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