Sunday, December 22, 2013

The Face of God

As I am down below,
Inside this urban facade,
I look up to see and search for the face of God.
The pollution and clouds cover the sky.
The honks and horns drown out Your voice.
Your moist presence has now gone dry,
And many more believe in a different choice.

So I decided to leave this level,
This human-desperation pod.
I climbed the mountain, reached it's summit
and looked up to see the face of God.
The air was fresh, the sky was clear,
I could hear the whispers of your voice.
I cherished this moment, held it dear
Knowing You are the better  choice.

When nighttime came, I looked up again
I was in a daze--something I'm rarely in.
The stars innumerable, the moon in full,
Not a second of this moment ever dull.
But, I kept this secret safe and sound
and glanced above to see your face.
Then, I'd stop to look around
and be enveloped in your grace.

Then, I found a companion of sorts,
Filled with love and mind like mine,
Who spoke of her inclination, but
said it was a waste of time.
Then, I reassured that I
had thought the same.
So, on that very night, we saw written, Jesus name.

We spewed our thoughts and trilled off
beauty as we stared off into the sky,
Like what if stars were holes to heaven and
shooting stars were accepted lives?
And what if the sky was a blanket
that God uses to tuck us in
And the stars, the holes to heaven, were
a way to still see him?
What if the day was God uncovering
the blanket from our face,
To see his power,
To see his beauty,
His unconditional grace?

We thought of these, my friend and I,
Inside our heavenly pod.
Together we shared an intimate moment,
We saw the face of God.

Careless Whispers

This is silly!
I'm thriving off of false hope.
Flicks for chicks and
Friends who kiss.
My imagination runs wild.
Scenario after scenario that will never come true!
Hanging on every word that leaves his lips as he carelessly whispers into her ear.
Excitement overwhelms me when they finally end up together,
the actors, that is,
On my screen, who call out in longing for each other
and kiss till breathless flight,
And into the night, i lie awake,
hoping and imagining that that would be me someday,
but it hasn't and won't.
I am left with reality.
I stare out my window to find
no one.
I turn back to my screen to see
they've found each other.