Tuesday, January 13, 2015

New Year Poem 2015

It's a new year--

New goals
New friends
New loves.

New triumphs
New mistakes
New lessons learned.

New disciplines
New cynicism
New doubts.

New hope
New dreams
New life.

But are these not all stagnant?
Not all the same
The new year engrains
in our brains
that all will be different as before

But some things never change.

Goals are goals
Friends are friends
Loves are loves

Triumphs come and go
Mistakes are made often
Lessons are learned each day

Disciplines are overrun
by old habits
Old habits die hard
Cynicism is still in style
Doubts still brings us down

Hope in things to come
Dreams in what might be
Life to change
at the stroke of twelve
at the drop of the--


Interpret the new year as you will
As you always do
Keyword "always"
Divine, isnt it?
Or dine
then diet.
It doesn't matter.

Treat everyday like a new year
And you'll most likely lose the weight you want
Or you'll be treated for your short term memory loss
Hey but you'll be a size 0 in no time!

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